Isn't "Germanium" a flower?By Nicole Ely, Geraniums are very beautiful flowers that we can enjoy in the garden nearly all year long. Germanium, however, is a wonderful trace mineral that our bodies need for numerous biochemical functions, which support the immune system that works hard to keep us alive and well all year long! Germanium is commonly found in certain types of vegetables and in a variety of foods such as: garlic, onions, broccoli, celery, milk, mushrooms and tomato juice. According to research, Germanium has been shown to stimulate immune function by producing the protein "interferon". Interferon is extremely important for promoting healthy immune function and to help the body get rid of immune-weakening toxins. Also, it supplies an ample amount of oxygen to the tissue cells, which increases the oxygen intake by the cells. Germanium is also known as a free radical scavenger (antioxidant). Think of an antioxidant as the military inside our body that fights against the bad guys - the free radicals - that can affect healthy cells. When numerous amounts of healthy cells are affected by free radical damage, a suppressed immune system and illness can prevail. A major point about Germanium is that it must be taken in the right form. The ideal source for this powerful supplement is VIVA Germanium Sesquioxide™, which has been tested and proven safe and non-toxic. This is good news! You can feel confident in taking VIVA Germanium Sesquioxide™, and give your body the nutrition it needs to keep your immune system strong and running at optimum level. Try it for yourself! |